Tuesday, 19 August 2008


Our biggest project has begun at Kilu'ufi Hospital - we're building a 200sq-m workshop for the maintenance team, prosthetics and orthotics dept, and the community based rehab division.

Check out the website: www.golongsolo.com/workshop for photo updates and a description of what's going on. Because we're having to find the funds for the workshop we're always looking for more donors (and it's tax-deductible for Aussie tax payers), but that's enough of a plug for now. We've sent a promo DVD back to Oz & NZ, and it's now on our website for you to check out...

It's all being done by hand, so it's extremely hot and sweaty work.
(We've been shovelling truckloads of sand and coral the last two weeks, and have just begun making the bricks by hand - we only need about 3000!)

Ok, back to work...


Anonymous said...


Thank you very much for hepling us!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,Kel,Rob,Lara!!

In case you guys wander how I manage to find out your this I did watch your promo Clip on Youtube and was quite interested in what you guys are doing so visited your site to get more infor..

I'm studying in Fiji to become a med.. doctor and in case you guys want to visit me by mail you can find my email add on my blog space which can access from this

You guys have a nice day!!

God bless!!

Harold Maesulia
N.B I'm from Malaita around the Auki area but further inland


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